Overcoming Burnout

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Do any of these apply to you:

  • Overwhelmed
  • Detached or disconnected
  • Unable to meet constant demands
  • Like you are running on empty
  • Like you suffered from physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion 
  • Prolonged or chronic stress
  • Emotional depletion
  • Drained
  • Unable to cope with even simple tasks

If more than 2 apply then you are well on your way (or maybe have already arrived) at burnout.

Why does it matter?  

Because you were never meant to live this way.  

People experiencing burnout often feel like they are no longer performing well, even in tasks they once handled easily. This can lead to a sense of failure or inadequacy, contributing to decreased motivation and productivity.  Who wants a life like that?

One of the fastest ways to climb out of this self-depleting condition? 

✅ Develop a mindset of hopefulness. 

In a state of burnout, developing a hopeful mindset will not be as easy as turning on a switch, but with the following strategies, it can be accomplished:

👉 Cultivate Gratitude - Gratitude helps shift your focus from what's lacking to what you already have, fostering a sense of abundance and positivity. Practice gratitude daily and consider keeping a gratitude journal.

👉🏼 Shift Your Self-Talk - This may be the most difficult strategy to follow. When you are feeling down, it is easy to use negative self-talk. But you must rally against that and be hopeful. Hopefulness begins with the thoughts you have about yourself and your circumstances.

👉🏽 Set Small, Achievable Goals - Set small, manageable goals that lead to larger ones. Achieving even minor milestones can boost your confidence and reinforce a sense of progress. Take time to celebrate and acknowledge the smallest victories. This builds momentum and reinforces your ability to make positive changes in your life. Hopefulness thrives when you have a sense of direction and progress, even in small ways.

👉🏾 Focus on What You Can Control - Focus on areas of your life where you have influence, whether it’s your attitude, habits, or small decisions. Small actions can create a sense of empowerment and hope. Accept there are things beyond your control, such as the actions of others, the past, or external circumstances. Release the need to control these and redirect your energy to areas where you can make a difference. 

👉🏿 Practice Mindfulness and Self-Compassion - Practice mindfulness by staying in the present moment rather than getting lost in worries about the future or regrets about the past. Focus on what you can do today to improve your situation. Be kind to yourself when you’re struggling. Recognize that difficult times are part of the human experience and allow yourself to feel your emotions without judgment. Self-compassion helps you stay hopeful because it allows room for mistakes and growth.

Overcoming burnout requires effort, but you can do it!

Professional and personal development happens by making small, intentional changes in your thoughts, actions, and environment, so you can cultivate a sense of hope that sustains you through adversity and helps you envision a brighter future. 

This is what it takes to move from coping to flourishing. 

For more information on this topic, watch one of our Wisdom Well experts, Judge Kelley Streib, as she discusses strategies she used to overcome burnout in her life.  It’s part of a series we created called “Redefining the Good Life”, where Wisdom Well collaborators give you their best professional and personal development secrets they learned the hard way – so you don't have to! They are so implementable – we think that will help you too!


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