The Well-Equipped Woman Introduction

In this video, you'll learn the foundation of why being A Well Equipped Woman is so important to your future.  We will explain what to expect in the upcoming short videos to help you on your path to becoming the woman you were always meant to be.

As an added bonus, many of the videos will come with a FREE downloadable PDF that you can use to go deeper into your personal journey and make your own personalized plan.

We are excited you are coming along on this journey with us.

Let's get started.


Lesson 1

The Importance of a Personal Value System

In this lesson, you'll learn the critical life step of determining your own personal value system.  Before you can have life that's good, you have to actually KNOW what's good for you.

Kisha Gaines will teach you the steps you need to take to determine what is important to you and what's not. Download the attached PDF to get the FREE personal guide through the process.

Are you ready?  Let's get started.


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Lesson 2

Eluding the Comparison Trap

In this lesson, Coach Joanie Bop will not only teach you the traps that ensnare us with comparison, but how you can get out if you are in it.

You can also download her FREE PDF (which is valued at over $100) to walk through the exercise yourself. 

 It’s time to get out of the trap!  Let’s go!


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Lesson 3

How to Live and Lead with Integrity

In this lesson, Shannon Olivares will not only teach you about the importance of living a life of integrity, but the skills needed to do so.  Take just 5 minutes to learn some simple, applicable skills that will increase your influence to your family, friends, and community.


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Lesson 4

Dealing with Rejection - How to Handle Things That Don't Go as Expected 

Rejection can be hard to handle.  Not just as a kid, but as an adult too!  In this lesson, Sarah Moore will teach you strategies to overcome rejection in the present and in your past.  If you want to dig a little deeper, she has even provided a reflection sheet to help you dig out some roots so you can move forward into the woman you are meant to be.


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Lesson 5

Learning to Deal with Disappointment

In this lesson, Drew Zerick gives practical tips on dealing with disappointment and discusses how to lead yourself through difficult times to avoid discouragement in your life.  Take just a few minutes to learn how to not let your thoughts dictate your actions and also to be encouraged if you are facing disappointment today. 

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Lesson 6

Rejecting Imposter Syndrome

In this lesson, Kelley Streib gives you very specific strategies to overcome the feelings of Imposter Syndrome and how to believe the truth about who you really are.  In just 5 minutes, she shares how you can change your mind, which is the precursor of life change.

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Lesson 7

Grace for Mistakes

In the final lesson of The Well Equipped Woman, Jessica Jones gives the piece we all need to move forward – Grace for Mistakes.  Because we are all making mistakes on a daily basis, it’s important to know how to stop yourself from being so hard on others or on yourself.

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